5 Ways To Save Money On Your Move

Hire Moving Boxes
Packing boxes aren’t cheap, which is why so many people now opt to rent theirs from various removalists and storage companies. Usually a fraction of the cost, rented boxes have been used before and will be used again for a set number of moves before they are deemed too weak to continue. Renting allows you to not only save money, but also to contribute to the onward recycling of the boxes at a later date. Cheaper and environmentally friendly? We are so on board!
Host A Garage Sale
When you pay a removalist to remove your things, you’re paying for them to move everything and the more things you own, the longer the move will take, the higher the price… Cut down on the number of items being moved into your new home by hosting a garage sale to alleviate yourself of the burden of so many things you no longer have any use for. Not only does this help save you money on the removalists, you’ll also end up with a small amount of cash that you can contribute directly to the move.
Be Prepared
If you’re organised from the moment you know you’re moving house, you’re less likely to spend money out of convenience last minute when you are stressed out and the truck is already on its way. Start parking several weeks in advance and adhere to a strict packing schedule to ensure you are packed and ready to go with more than enough time to get a good night’s sleep. This will also help you be proactive on the day, which can lessen the number of hours your removalist is required for… another sneaky way to save some cash!
Time It Right
A little known fact: removalists are busiest at the beginning and end of every month, as this is when most leases are up. They’re also particularly busy on weekends and during school holidays. You can often save money by negotiating a cheaper rate during their quieter periods. While this might not be a massive saving, it definitely helps lessen the sting of the bill when it arrives.
Learn a Few Store Cupboard Recipes
In the days closest to your move, you’ve probably eaten everything perishable in your fridge and the fruit bowl to make the move easier… and then you start reaching for the take out menus. Take out is alright once or twice, but quickly begins to burn a hole in your pocket due to the cost of paying for someone else to do the cooking and delivery. There are some truly awesome store cupboard recipes out there, from homemade smoky baked beans to the comforting Indian lentil curry dhal and endless ideas for pastas… all perfect bowl foods for minimal washing up too. Bonus!