Top 5 Most Commonly-Damaged Items During Moving Day

Yet, no matter how careful you are, there are always some things that can be easily damaged when they’re unpacked at the other end. Here are some of the most commonly damaged items seen by removal companies during house moves:
5. Glassware
Perhaps the most fragile items in any house move are your glassware. Glass is particularly vulnerable to cracking and breaking in transit, so make sure you have the right boxes for the job.
You’ll also need to spend some time wrapping each piece individually so they don’t come into contact with other things. Ideally, you shouldn’t use newspaper to pack glassware, as the print can wear off, leaving black marks on your glasses that will need to be washed off when you reach your destination.
When you’re done packing your glassware, be sure to clearly label the box with a marker pen as containing glassware. Write the words ‘fragile’ and ‘this side up’ on the box, so the removalists can pack the box on top of other items so it doesn’t get crushed in the move.
4. Artwork, Prints and Paintings
Many pieces of art can be delicate and need to be moved with care. Canvas paintings can be easily damaged and frames can break if they’re not packed properly.
Choose custom boxes suited for transporting paintings. If you have ceramic, china, or pottery artwork to be moved, use the right boxes that allow for plenty of padding and cushioning around the piece. Mark each box well with the word ‘fragile’ and a brief explanation of what’s inside the box so your removal company will know to handle those items with extra care.
3. Furniture
While you’re busy worrying about packing your glassware, fine china and artwork to avoid damage, you might be overlooking some of your larger pieces of furniture. Most furnishings are heavy, bulky and awkward to move, and some of them may have sharp corners or soft cushions that need to be packed carefully to avoid getting them damaged.
A professional removal company will usually have custom padding and blankets in the truck to help protect your furniture. If you have pieces that can be dismantled for the move, be sure to keep all the pieces together so nothing gets lost in transit.
2. Plants
Plants are definitely at high risk of being damaged during a house move. A couple of days before the move, stop watering any plants you’re taking with you to the new house. You’ll reduce the risk of the pots leaking any water into the truck and damaging other furnishings or boxes around them and you’ll make the plant lighter to move overall.
Wrap any delicate branches in bags or tie delicate fronds lightly with string to avoid plants getting tangled together in transit. Your removalists are likely to pack any plants into the truck last, so they’re the first things to be unpacked at your destination.
1. You!
In your effort to get everything done on moving day, the single most commonly damaged thing is likely to be you. Lugging heavy boxes around without correct lifting tools or techniques can damage your back, arms or legs. Breaking things during the packing process can bruise your ego and staying up late to finish packing before the removal truck arrives can break your sleep pattern.
Of course, trying to coordinate a house move around work, kids, family, and other commitments is most likely to break your sanity if you’re not careful.
When you’re planning for moving day, plan ahead and start packing as soon as possible. Take time to relax and don’t try to do it all yourself in the span of a couple of days. In the end, you’ll minimise any damage to your precious belongings and to yourself.
We sometimes get frustrated here at Two Men and a Truck. This is because many removal companies advertise that full insurance is included as a part of your relocation when this is just not the case. As a family-run business our values run deep, and honesty is at the heart of this.