Updates on Covid-19

We understand moving is already stress-ful enough without having to worry about COVID-19 and its implications so we are here to make it easy for you.
Two Men and a Truck (TMAAT) is committed to the health and wellbeing of its people, customers, and communities.
What TMAAT is doing:
- We will send our northern beaches teams to northern beaches jobs.
- We are actively updating both our roadside and office employees/contractors with the latest updates that we receive from both the Government and AFRA.
- Over the past weeks we have taken steps to ensure that all office personnel can work from home. This means you can still contact us as normal via phone and email to make a booking, change a booking or chat about any concerns you may have.
- Reinforcing personal hygiene and cleanliness practices. Our teams have also been educated on best hygiene practices and provided with hand sanitizer.
- Our removalist teams are working as per usual but will be vetted at the start of the day to make sure they do not exhibit COVID-19 symptoms. If they do, they will not be allowed to work.
- All staff that have travelled internationally or suspect they have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 carrier will be self-quarantined and not allowed to return to work until they have evidence they have been cleared of the virus.
- All our vehicles are being disinfected prior to leaving our depot.
- Keeping in touch with customers via SMS before the move to make sure any cases are reported to us so we can stop the spread.
- Our box delivery/collection service will now be zero contact. Our driver may visit up to 10 homes per day and we believe this is a necessary safety measure for both our clients and driver. Our driver can deliver direct to a clients doorstep or designated area but will not enter the clients home.
- For our upcoming interstate removals due to the recent closure or coming closures of interstate borders, these removals will be completed by rail. Any disruptions or updates with crossing the border we will notify our customers ASAP when we are updated from the rail.
- Our office phones are being answered during the times below.
- All onsite quotations we will now be completed via video. Please call our office on 1300 880 412 or email us at truck@twomen.ewebstaging.com.
- At this point of time, our office will only be operational with enquiries and bookings on a Sunday online during the hours of 8:00am-4:30pm. All voice messages will be returned the following day.
What we ask from our customers:
- If you have travelled overseas in the past 14 days, have been in contact with a known COVID-19 carrier, or are exhibiting the symptoms like a fever and coughing, please inform us at least 24 hours before the move so we can make the necessary arrangements. We will happily reschedule bookings at no charge.
- Please exercise good health & hygiene.
How will my move be affected?:
We won’t lie and tell you that your move won’t be affected because the simple answer is we just don’t know. What we do know is that we will do our utmost best to ensure that your move is as stress free as possible with the least amount of distractions.
Being a family business, people are at the heart of what we do. We want to make sure we protect our teams and prevent them from spreading the virus to our customers.
In the event, a team falls sick or is sent home for quarantine we want to assure you that we have many backup removalist teams that do not have any physical contact with each other available to help you move.
We are in a rapidly changing environment at the moment but we are committed to providing you with excellent service and to make your move easy. We will keep you posted with any updates.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
1300 880 412 or email us at truck@twomen.ewebstaging.com
From our family to yours we wish you good health.
Catherine Kuipers