December News

Our family, the Kuipers, came from Tiel, one of the oldest towns in Holland. Situated on the river Rijn (Waal) and not far from Arnhem.
St Nicholas, the bishop from Spain, would arrive with pomp and fanfare on his white stallion with the aid of his Moorish helper Zwarte Piet (Black Peter).
There was a marching band leading a procession and it was a big event for young and old. With children cheering and waving flags and the mayor on the podium with a stirring speech as he handed the Bishop the keys to town.
On the night before Christmas, the children would put their shoes next to the fireplace with some hay or a carrot inside and a bowl of water nearby “for Santerklaas’ horse”
Maybe Saint Nick would get a glass of Jenever (Gin)!
The children sang a Santerklaas song and the next day they would find some sweets or a small present in their shoes.
It was an exciting time. The war had only recently finished and life was still hard for many people.
Freezing cold weather and long dark nights. Boy was it cold!
Saint Nick, I’ve been very good this year. I’m always very good!
Do you know, after 40 years down under I have still not gotten used to the hot December month.
I still hear people playing the old Bing Crosby tune – I Dream Of A White Christmas. Keep dreaming folks… Our plastic reindeers and plastic Santas are melting in the sun!
“Jo do you remember when Mum cooked Christmas lunch?”
Turkey, hams and plum puddings . Mum was in the kitchen. It was the hottest day ever and Dad ended up snoring on the lounge. Mum still hasn’t recovered. No plum pudding this year!
People’s enthusiasm and spirit to do things is amazing.
Thank you to Greg and your team. What an effort! Unfortunately though – no record broken.
This is the first year we had the pleasure of sponsoring the Red Bull FluggTag. The crowds loved it! Again, the funds raised went to charity.
It took 6 months and many get-togethers to build that flying contraption and about 6 seconds to destroy it!
But, we did get a big HOORAY from the crowds.
Back to the drawing board Greg. I’ve got a few new ideas… Maybe a flying truck ?!?!
Little is done in support of men’s health so it’s great to see our men participating in this worthwhile cause. A memorable celebration evening was held at Borrusa’s Pizza Restaurant and an opportunity to show off their mo’s!
Catherine and Gillian organised a stand at the Family Business Life Style Expo at Darling Harbour.
We are one big family. The girls in the office, the men on the road. our customers and suppliers. What a team!! What a year it has been.
This is the season of good will and spirit and I am lucky. The family is healthy and we don’t have any major issues. Not all families can say the same.
On behalf from us all at Two Men and a Truck, I would like to thank you for your support and for finding time to read my monthly updates and comments.
Have a fantastic festive season.
I know 2011 is going to be fabulous.
I will be back again soon. I have got plenty of stories to write about.
Hi Richard. It is your wife Cheryl on the phone. There is an old fellow with a miter at your house, says he is a good friend of yours… ?
Now I really must get moving’’
Jenever tonight!
Thank you Melbourne, USA for your kind comments.
Didn’t know there was a Melbourne in the US. Did you??
Yes I will keep my stories going folks.
St Nicholas original came from Myra in Turkey He is the Patron Saint of Children and Fisherman (Read more)
Jenever is a Dutch Gin (Read more)
Family Business Australia (Read more)
Red Bull Flugg tag Sydney (Read more)