Flying The Coop: Advice For The Big Move

After all, on top of your busy school or work schedule, it’s hardly easy or fun to remember garbage day, to buy toilet paper when it runs low or cook yourself a healthy meal every night. That isn’t to say you’re not capable, but getting used to living completely without the crutch of mum and dad takes time.
Ask your friends
It’s highly unlikely you’re the first of your friends to leave home, so seek advice from them about their first year away from their parents. From spending their rent money on a new television to forgetting to put the bin out for three weeks in a row, we’ve ALL done something we regret in our quest to become a ‘real’ adult. But think beyond the funny moments and ask them what they wish they’d done differently in the first move, including any purchases they wish they’d made in advance.
Make an essentials list
Your first night in your new house is going to be frantic already without having to worry about whether or not you’ve got toilet paper or forks. Make a list in advance of the basics you’ll need to survive your first night and put them all in your ‘First Night’ box. This way, when you’re exhausted from moving all day, at least you can put your feet up, sound in the knowledge that you can have a hot shower tomorrow morning because you hit up the supermarket for shampoo and conditioner a week ago.
Connect the utilities!
This one seems like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people move in to their new house only to find that actually, they also needed gas and water connected separately to their electricity. Ask your real estate agent when signing the lease (for a rental) or mortgage so that you can organise these utilities in the lead up to the move. The internet is another utility that is often taken for granted yet needs advance notice. Regardless of who you choose to sign up with, most providers can take up to four weeks to connect their services to your house.
Call in professional help
You probably don’t think you have much to move, but couches, televisions and beds can be incredibly heavy and are best left to the professionals. Instead of lamenting over how much a removalist costs, give one a call and see what kind of rates they have for small moves involving one or two room’s worth of things. Perhaps they even have a student discount you can take advantage of?
Don’t forget to visit your parents!
You might be an adult now, but your parents will always see you as that cute five year old who insisted on wearing nothing but gumboots and a Princess costume for an entire summer. So even though you’re doing every single load of washing on your own now, it doesn’t hurt to pop in to mum and dads for dinner occasionally. Want to really impress them with your new found independence? Invite them over and show off your new found culinary skills. Binge watching Master chef has finally paid off!
Moving out doesn’t need to cause you or your parents a headache. If you’re looking for an affordable, reliable removalist to help you fly the coop, why not give Two Men and a Truck a call? We can even take care of connecting the utilities – mum and dad will be none-the-wiser!