Joining hands with Rizeup to bring difference in lives

Joining hands with Rizeup to bring difference in lives.
Rich or poor, irrespective of race and religion, domestic violence has now become a common enemy of a number of households. It is an imbalance of power and control. RizeUp Australia is creating awareness on domestic and family violence within society by generating life-changing, practical support for the families affected, giving them hope and empowerment. Two Men and a Truck is joining this mission.
At Two Men and a Truck, we are not just a moving company. We, as a family owned business with a woman CEO, understand the importance of family and the sacrifices a woman makes to build that bond. We value women\’s empowerment and believe that we can do more to help the women facing domestic and family violence.
We believe that we can bring differences in the lives of people around us and that’s why we have decided to join our hands with RizeUp Australia to take part in this great venture to help promote women’s independence and decision-making in public life and relationships, which is a key outcome to preventing domestic violence. We are driven by RizeUp’s mission of bringing a violence free life to those who suffer from domestic and family violence. As a part of this, we and our staff are helping to furnish accommodations nationwide.
We welcome each one of you to be a part of this amazing opportunity. If you are one of them who wants to help the people in need and you wish to give away your furniture, get in touch with Two Men and a Truck or RizeUp. It\’s never too late to begin.
Let us say NO to Domestic Violence and help the sufferers to build a violence free home!