Moving from the Country to the City

Find something Temporary
The lines for rental properties in big cities aren’t a myth, especially between January and April, so make sure you’ve got something temporary lined up to cover you for at least the first month. Booking a private room in a hostel, an AirBNB or even bunking at relatives might not seem important while you’re packing your things, but when you’re one of fifty applicants for that cute terrace in Newtown, you’ll be glad you’ve got somewhere to head back to each night.
Attend a Meet Up
Big cities can be lonely and isolating. While your co workers might be friendly, it’s highly unlikely they’ve considered the fact that you’re new in town and have no one to hang out with on Saturday night – because their high school and university friends still live nearby. No worries! Cities are full of people looking for friends; you just have to make sure they find you. Check out your local newspaper, as well as online group, for Meet Ups, Book Clubs and even Dinner Parties with Strangers to expand your social circle fast. Yes, it takes courage to do these things – but you’ve already got loads of that, you proved that when you made the big move in the first place.
Hit the Pavement
The best way to learn about a new city isn’t behind the wheel of your car, but on your own two feet. Wandering the neighbourhoods you’d like to live in, as well as ones nearby and those that are generally just interesting or unique will help you uncover the real personality of a city. Pop in and out of shops, chat to waiters and shop assistants and generally just try to get lost in your new city. It’s this way that you’re bound to find a great new local cafe that you can bring your old friends to when they visit and ask to see your version of your new home.
Set a budget!
It’s no secret: cities are more expensive, especially in the most basic areas, like rent, bills and food. Before you sign a contract for a rental, ask yourself ‘Can I afford this with my salary? Often spending a little bit more than you want to live near reliable public transport, or inner city where you don’t need a car, can work out cheaper in the long run (cars are even more expensive to keep in the city!), but that doesn’t mean you should blow your budget entirely! The accepted standard for rent is no more than 30% of your salary, as this ensures there’s enough left over for other amenities.
Hire a Removalist
Moving to the big city is stressful enough on your own, so gets a helping hand to take some of the burden off and ensures your belongings get from your old home to your new in pristine condition. Look for a removalist that is AFRA-approved, offers comprehensive insurance and can store your belongings in the instance you just don’t get a great rental property straight away!