Moving on a budget

Ask for assistance
If you’re moving to a new town or city for work, it’s completely acceptable to ask your new employer if they offer any sort of relocation assistance. Many businesses will, so stop worrying that they’ll suddenly cancel your contract or think you’re high maintenance before you even begin, they’ve already offered you the job over everyone else already living closer to the office – they definitely want you.
Forget shame
When it comes to packing on a budget, you have to forget any shame or hang ups you might have and be fearless in asking for boxes. Ask your supermarket, ask any local shops that stock larger items, ask the bottle shops if they’ve got any wine boxes which are segregated – these are ideal for packing fragile items like glasses and small trinkets. It’s also worthwhile popping into your newsagency and asking about leftover newspapers at the end of the day – often only the covers get returned to the publishing house, while the centres end up in recycling.
Make a plan
The better prepared you are, the less likely you are to spend money out of convenience. This is the gospel and you must stick to it if you absolutely want to move on a budget. That means beginning to pack as far as possible in advance and where possible, emptying rooms and cupboards for cleaning so that you aren’t left paying premium for something that you wouldn’t have needed if you’d stuck to your plan.
Keep a ‘moving essentials box’
Anything you think you’ll need between now and your move, from pens and scissors, to rental contracts, medicine, toiletries and anything else you’ll need right up until you’re able to get stuck into unpacking. This prevents you from spending money on double ups that you carelessly packed at the bottom of a box a week ago.
Label your boxes
If in the instance you do pack something you really needed, it’s easier to find if you’ve got a thorough list of items on the side of every box. Buy a handful of Sharpies and scrawl down the side of the box every time you add an item or a group of items – this will make it easier to locate a specific item if you find yourself in that predicament.
Clean as you go
Once a room is empty/completely boxed up, get in there with a vacuum and other cleaning supplies. This will save you time at the end and help you avoid hiring cleaners at the end when you’re just so over the entire move. If you’re renting, this is crucial to having your deposit returned but keep in mind that some rental agreements mean you may need to pay for professional cleaning of a certain feature – often carpets or curtains – which you won’t be able to skimp on.
Two Men and a Truck offer a range of moving options to suit your needs and budget. Talk to one of our moving specialists today about your next move!