Pre-Move: Sorting and Disposing of Electronic Equipment

First of all, go through all of your devices and make sure they work. Boom-boxes, record players, disc man, video game consoles, tube-based televisions… depending on your age, you could have a veritable ‘Evolution of Electronics’ museum. But remember, you’re moving house, not going through a time-warp. You should sort out all those old, broken devices now, before you start packing.
Make sure that you look into your local guidelines on disposing of e-waste, as you can pay a hefty fine for improper disposal. If you can’t be bothered to properly sort and dispose of your electronics, give Two Men and a Truck a call. Like we wrote in our article on caring for the environment, we take responsibly disposing of rubbish seriously and would be happy to help you out. This goes for our office removalists, too—if you’re storing slide projectors and bulky fax machines from decades ago, let us handle their disposal correctly and safely.
For all those units that work, but that you haven’t used since the invention of the iPod, look into selling them on eBay, Craigslist, or through a pre-move yard sale or garage sale. A lot of collectors out there are willing to pay good money for certain units or their parts. This might take a little more time, but if it gets you some extra cash then it’s more than worth it.
Time to sort through that box of controllers. If you got rid of your Nintendo 64 console, then there’s no reason to hang onto the controllers, right? The same goes for your old VHS player. Any errant remotes should be set aside for proper disposal. Go through all of your CD and VHS towers, too. If you can’t repurpose them to store something else and you’ve switched over to DVDs, then it’s time to ditch these old accessories.
Repeat after me: one device, one cord: PERIOD. There’s no excuse for keeping that tangled mess lurking in the box in the back of your garage. Old chargers, connectors and power cords simple need to be tossed out or sold. You’ll be amazed by how cathartic this process can be!
The cords that do need to be moved to your new house or office should be labelled and kept tidy with either a large rubber band, clip, or clear plastic baggie. This will make hooking all your electronics back up so much easier. Confession: in the past I caved in and bought a whole new printer because I lost the cord to connect it to my computer during a move.
Even if you’re not looking for removalists, reach out to us for help disposing of your home or office’s old electronics. We handle jobs of all sizes, and we know from both personal and professional experience what a headache old electronics can be!