Pre-Move: Sorting Your Clothes

One area that’s particularly tough to tackle is the wardrobe, but it’s time to open those drawers and cupboards and pare down your clothing to just wearable items. Keep reading to find out tips on how to clean out your wardrobe and sort through your clothes.
Keep It If…
Okay, take a look at the checklist below. This is the way it works: if you tick off everything, go ahead and pack it for the move. If you don’t tick off one or more, then ask for a second opinion from a trusted friend or loved one.
I remember the last time I wore this
This still fits me
This looks good on me
This looks the same as when I purchased it (colour/shape)
This feels the same as when I purchased it (has it thinned? Pilled?)
Donate It If…
Here’s another checklist for you. This is the hardest category, as the clothes you donate to charity must be in good condition, and it’s hard to part with things that aren’t obviously rubbish. Find a mantra and stick with it, like ‘A clean wardrobe makes for a clean mind.’ Keep reminding yourself that your donated clothes will find a good home.
I can’t remember the last time I wore this
Last time I wore this, I was asked if I was pregnant (even worse if you’re a bloke)
I have never worn this
My partner/friend/children tease me about this
‘But I got this at the Phish concert…’
Scrap It If…
This category is a little easier. Most of the time, it’s pretty obvious when an article of clothing needs to be tossed in the bin. However, go through the list below to make sure you don’t inadvertently try to donate some things that really should be scrapped for material…
This is damaged (torn, shrunk, stretched out, contains holes)
This has a mystery scent that can’t be washed out
This is a pair of socks (or a single sock, more likely)
This is an undergarment
This is a swimsuit
Once you’ve gone through your cupboards and cleared out all those skeletons (aka nearly shredded Def Leppard shirts), give Two Men and a Truck a call. Remember, we’re not just men and trucks—we’ll haul away your rubbish and a team will pack up your remaining clothes and belongings. Our local and interstate removalists are great, but they’re only part of what we do.
We handle jobs of all sizes, too, so if you need removalists in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, the Gold Coast or Newcastle, check us out!