Saying Goodbye to Your House And Neighbourhood.

Make a bucket list
Bucket lists don’t need to be life goals, they can also be short term things you’d like to achieve or do before something happens. In this case, you’ll be making a list of things you’d like to do or achieve before you say goodbye to your neighbourhood or home. This might be as simple as throwing a lavish, all day lunch through to dinner party, or hitting up all of your favourite local parks and cafes. It may be leaving a secret mark somewhere in your house (perhaps a little time capsule under a floorboard?) or visiting somewhere local that you always wanted to go but never had the opportunity.
Take to the Streets
When was the last time you walked around your suburb properly? Not the same route you take to the bus stop every day, or the shortcut you know to the supermarket, but a proper wander up and down the streets. Most suburbs are filled with secrets, whether they be hidden cafes, quirky shops or vibrant, rainbow coloured homes with loud art in the front yards. Get outside your comfort zone and meander up and down every single street of your suburb, and even the adjoining suburbs, to see if there’s anything you perhaps missed over the years. There may be a tinge of regret you didn’t do it earlier, but the saying ‘Better late than never’ is iconic for a reason!
Leave time to celebrate
Packing up and moving is stressful, but if you let it take over your life, you won’t be able to enjoy the time you have left with those friends and family who live locally. Take a breath, step back from your insane packing schedule and head out for a coffee with friends or tick something off your local bucket list. You’ll feel lighter when you return to your packing which, trust us, you will get done on time.
Ask the Kids
If you have kids, ask them what their favourite part of the house or local neighbourhood is. They’ll have a completely different list to you. For instance, there is a fairy tree, filled with little fairies and other magical creatures, outside a house in City Beach in Perth, where children are encouraged to add their own homemade creations and local kids jump at the opportunity. If there’s a similar quirk in your suburb, this is a great way for your kids to leave their mark and say goodbye. If not, kid’s imaginations are wild enough and they’ll definitely have something in mind.