The Right Gear For Your Move

Packaging Necessities
We’ve mentioned before the importance of always having a tape measurer on hand, but it’s worth repeating. A tape measurer will help you maximise the space in the truck and fit all of your belongings in safely. Keep several permanent markers on hand for labelling and writing down those inevitable notes-to-self that pop up during a move, too.
Several weeks before your move, start stockpiling your newspapers. Even if you pick up professional packaging materials, newspaper works great as padding in the event that you run out of bubble wrap. If any of your boxes are partially empty, fill the extra space with crumpled up newspaper to keep belongings from shifting around in the box; letting it get thrown off balance can make it tip and hurt not just its contents, but you as well.
Loading and Unloading Tools
Even our strongest guys at Two Men and a Truck get fatigued and risk injury if they don’t use the right tools to help them load heavy, bulky furniture and boxes. Using a dolly will make every part of your move easier, including moving things around in your new house.
If you are worried about a light box or slippery piece of furniture sliding around the truck, put down a rug or carpet scrap first. This will make sure your belongings stay exactly where you put them. Ropes or tie-downs can be used to secure items in place, and can also be wrapped around large boxes or furniture to create a handle for easier lifting.
Health and Wellness
First and foremost, make sure you stock up on plenty of water. Nothing slows you down like dehydration. It’s also a good idea to have simple snacks like an energy bar or banana on hand for when hunger strikes.
Moving house is hard work, and if you’re doing it yourself prepare for sweat! You’ll want to keep a hand towel accessible to regularly wipe off with and keep the sweat out of your eyes. We recommend keeping a small container of talcum powder nearby to regularly sprinkle on your hands to help you keep a firm grip on your belongings. Work gloves are even better. If you suffer from a bad back or weak knees, you might want to consider getting a brace to wear. At the very least, get some aspirin to take in case you start feeling aches and pains.
If you have enough on your to-do list without taking on all the packing and moving yourself, call Two Men and a Truck. Once you’ve hired professionals, you’ll never want to do it yourself again. We are the best removalists in Newcastle, and we’re ready to help you move house to the best uni in Australia.