Moving Made Easy

Top Things People Forget To Do When Moving House

Arranging Keys

You may have received a set of keys to open the front and back doors to the property. However, did the previous owners also leave you keys to the garden shed or garage? What about keys for any window locks or deadbolts on sliding doors?

Does your new home have a remote-controlled automatic garage door opener? If it does, check that the keys you received include your remote-control unit.

Check whether the letterbox has a lock. Then confirm that the keys you received include a key to open the letterbox, or you won’t be able to check your mail. Some properties also have lockable gates, so check that you have keys for those as well.

Organising Essential Items

It’s normal for everyone to start packing all of your belongings into boxes and packing cartons. However, you also need to aside a separate box for essential items that need to be unpacked immediately after you arrive at your destination.

By the time the moving van leaves and all your furnishings and boxes are delivered, you might not have the time or energy to unpack everything right away. The last thing you want to do is search through an assortment of boxes for simple things.

Think about some things you might want to use immediately after the move. Things like toilet paper and water bottles should be added to your essentials box. You might want to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea before getting started with unpacking tasks, so include a kettle and some cups or mugs. Don’t forget to pack the tea and coffee into the box too.

Flashlights and batteries are also handy to keep in your box of essential items, along with clean towels and a change of clothes. Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner are also handy items to unpack right away, so add those to your box.

If you’re moving with kids, pack some books, games or activities to keep them entertained throughout the day. If you’re moving with pets, pack pet food and bowls so their routine isn’t disrupted too much.

Make a list of everything you’ll need immediately and keep those items separate. They should travel with you in the car so you can access essential items right away.

Packing Things That Shouldn’t Be Packed

Personal or confidential documents should never be packed with the rest of your belongings. Important documents relating to the move and identification documents, such as birth certificates or passports should be packed separately and travel with you so you always know where things are. Important items, such as jewellery, laptop computers and phone chargers should also be packed separately.

Don’t pack dangerous items that could cause damage in the truck. Look for things in the shed or garage, like paint or hazardous chemicals that should be disposed of responsibly and get rid of them before moving day. If you have items you want to donate to charity outlets, take them to donation boxes before moving day so they’re not packed into the truck with everything else.

Label Boxes Correctly

It sounds like an easy thing to remember, but a surprisingly large number of people don’t label boxes correctly. As you pack each box, use a marker to write down which room the box should go into at your destination and what’s inside the box. If you have fragile items in the box, mark it clearly so the removalists know to pack it at the top and not under other heavy items.

Check Utilities

Most people will already have pre-arranged utilities connections at the new house before moving day. However, it’s important to check that the connections have been made on the right day.

It’s common to hear horror stories about people who arrange to have gas and electricity connections made on the same day as the move, only to find out that the power won’t be turned on until late in the day.

The same is true with internet and phone connections. Your provider may intend to disconnect one service at the old property, but the new connection may not be available until the following day. If you move on a Friday, some companies may not be able to complete your new connections until Monday, so it pays to check that everything has been prearranged and is switched on when you arrive.

Moving house can be a stressful time. You can reduce the stress a bit by making sure you don’t forget some of the simple things. Create a checklist of things you want to remember and make sure you check off each item as you get it done. You’ll find your moving day is smoother in the long run.