Two Men And a Truck Pty Ltd – Case Study 2

Results and Badges
Energy use is monitored, energy efficiency settings are used on equipment, and devices are switched off when not in use. The business has consolidated its operations from three sites in Sydney, to one new premise that has been fitted out with energy efficient lighting and devices. These actions have resulted in electricity costs being reduced by $2,189 from 2011/12 to 2012/13.
Introduced a box buy-back scheme that allows customers to sell their boxes back for reuse and reduces the amount of waste to landfill. Recycle all cardboard boxes that have reached the end of their life. The box buy- back scheme has reduced the purchase of new boxes over the last two years from 16,550 to 13,240 – a reduction of 3,310 new boxes, iPads and mobile phones for drivers and estimators in the field have almost totally eliminated the use of paper for transactions and communications. Replacing individual printers with a central shared printer has reduced the number of toner cartridges used from 60 per year to 4 per year and all are recycled.
Regularly notes water costs and inherently is a small water user with just a toilets (dual flush) and small kitchenette.
Staff raised over $2000 for men’s health during the month of November. Sponsored and transported bikes for the Pedal for Kids Charity Bike for the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation. Donated prizes for the Kindergarten Union Silent Auction to raise funds for Killarney Pre-School. Relocated the Sydney office of the Make a Wish Foundation. Transported $80,000 of specialised beds and three chairs donated by Body Sense Solutions to MS Australia. Committed to transportation of stands and Daffodils on Daffodil Day, for the Cancer Council in NSW, Victoria and ACT. Major sponsor of the Anne Frank Exhibition tour of Australia. Sponsored and provided transportation services for the week-long annual Gold Coast Bridge Congress. Sponsored the North Shore Bridge Club Super Congress for the 11th consecutive year, with 400 players. Supports World Vision Australia, Eastern Suburbs Cycling Club, Care Flight, Jump Start Foundation, Odyssey House and Starlight Foundation. Charities are selected based on causes related to staff concerns. Staffs are trained in safe driving to reduce the incidence of motor vehicle accidents.
Life cycle analysis completed on appliance and vehicle purchases. Quality products purchased for durability. The company has introduced a policy to purchase the most fuel efficient and low emission vehicles possible.
Two Men and a Truck are upgrading their fleet of 30 vehicles with fuel efficient vehicles that comply with the stringent EuroV emissions requirements. Already four (4) new trucks have been purchased. Fuel usage tracked through fuel card usage reports, cross checked with log books to ensure “fuel leakage” is not occurring. With customer agreement, loads are combined wherever possible, reducing trips from an on road schedule of 5 days to 3 days.
Encourages staff participation and input into the development of the business. Business achievements and milestones are celebrated with staff. Member of the St Jame’s Ethics Centre to enable the organisation to build their capacity to operate the business with an ethical approach. The business is a member of several industry associations such as the NSW Chamber of Commerce and the Australian Furniture Removals Association which provide training and development opportunities for staff.
Communicating the Message
Two Men and a Truck have developed a sophisticated approach to communicating to current and potential customers and other stakeholders including a quarterly newsletter, and an online Social Media and News Centre. The company uses multimedia effectively to communicate their key messages. For example a “mini movie” was recently produced titled “Make the right move” which educates consumers of the pitfalls of using “dodgy operators”. Two Men and Truck’s cover story for the Winter edition newsletter featured “Making an environmental move” which highlighted their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Changes in Attitudes or Behaviour
Through the development of an organisational culture that encourages sustainability, management believe that staff have a greater awareness of the importance of reducing waste and operating the business efficiently. As an example, staff have been trained to drive vehicles to reduce fuel consumption. This investment, coupled with more fuel efficient vehicles, seems to be paying off in a reduction in fuel use and cost.
“Two Men and a Truck’s social commitments are always striving towards the most ethical relationships with customers, employees and the environment” CEO Catherine Gambrellis
Working with the BBP team
Two Men and a Truck have benefitted from access to a dedicated Partnership Officer who has worked them to identify areas of opportunity particularly with waste management, which was identified as an area where further savings may be made. To assist the business BBP provided their Waste Saver Service. This innovative service provided a detailed assessment to the business and has identified that recycling other types of waste other than just cardboard and paper would greatly reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by a further