What to Do with Your Old Furniture

Old furniture often looks tired and worn, which can put a lot of people off buying it. However, if you spend a little time refurbishing the pieces you no longer want, you might be able to find a willing buyer more easily.
Hold a Garage Sale
If you’ve been clearing and de-cluttering in preparation for the move, chances are you’ll have plenty of items that you can sell at a garage sale. Place an ad in the local paper or local noticeboard. Put some convenient signs at the end of the street to direct traffic on the day and see how much extra cash you can make.
If your aim is to replace old furniture, you’ll have extra cash to put towards your purchase. If you’re downsizing or trying to de-clutter, then you’ll have some spare money to put towards covering your moving costs.
Sell it on eBay or GumTree
If you don’t have the time or the space to hold a garage sale, you have the option of listing your unwanted items on eBay or GumTree. Take a few photos of the item and upload them to your seller’s account. Make sure you remember to state on the listing that the item is to be picked up by the buyer.
Trade In or Trade Up
From time to time, some stores offer trade-in offers on old whitegoods and electronic items. Check whether any of the stores in your area offer trade-in deals for your old things to help reduce the cost of purchasing the new replacement item.
Donate to Charities
There are plenty of non-profit charity organisations that are always in need of furniture. Donate your unwanted items to charity stores or organisations.
Council Hard Rubbish Collection
If you really can’t find a way to sell, recycle or donate the furniture you no longer want, you may have to dispose of it. Many local council areas have hard rubbish collection days. Call your local council and ask when their next collection day is booked for. Then request they pick up any furniture you don’t want.
You’ll be asked to leave your unwanted items by the kerb the night before collection day. The council will send a truck or trailer out to pick up your things for you.
There are plenty of ways to get rid of unwanted or old furniture. Work out what can be sold or donated elsewhere before taking it to the dump. It could be worth a few extra dollars in your pocket.
If you are unsure of whether you may need your furniture in the future, we can also provide you with a storage solution until you decide. We’ve worked hard to make our storage solution competitively priced. Whether it’s short or long term, we can make your storage worries disappear in a flash. Contact us today on 1300 880 412.