Who Do I Need To Tell When I Move House?

It’s the people who do things for you every day, often without you noticing, that can cause the most issues when you decide to move house. So who needs to be on your moving hit list?
The Utilities
Moving into your new place, only to find the electricity and gas haven’t been connected, is one of the most frustrating things that can happen on moving day – especially if you were relying on a hot bath and cup of tea to soothe your nerves after a long day. Give your utilities providers ample notice and then follow up a fortnight before your move for peace of mind.
The Post Office
This might seem obvious, but a lot of people just don’t bother with mail forwarding these days because of the rise of email. But some bills are still sent out by paper and yes, grandparents often forget to write down your new address and will continue to send birthday cards to your old house. Paying for mail forwarding may seem like a hassle, but it’s a worthwhile service that will help you sort out which accounts you need to still update the address on.
The Local Council and the Garbage Collectors
If you’re living in a house, these two are particularly important (apartment dwellers get off the hook), as you will continue to pay council tax in your old neighbourhood if you forget. You’ll also want to call your new council to enquire about garbage collection days, parking limitations and even local developments in the area that you should probably be aware of.
The Gardener
If you’ve got a regular gardener booked who comes fortnightly or monthly, then it’d be mighty embarrassing if they showed up in your backyard with large clippers and axes, only to give the new tenants quite a fright! Give your gardener as much notice as possible, and perhaps call them the week they’re next due, so that they arrive at the right home to do the work you’re paying them to do.
The Cleaner
Just like the awkwardness of the gardener showing up after you’ve moved – except worse! This is because the cleaner likely has a key to enter your house and would likely frighten the new occupants and embarrass the cleaner, who would suddenly go from being the kind person who dusts and vacuums to an intruder, breaking and entering. Make sure you call your cleaner with lots of notice, as well as on the week they’re next due to visit, so that they show up to the right house where they’re loved and appreciated.
The Babysitter
While you might not think the babysitter ranks that highly on your list of priorities when you move, they’re a service you probably engage regularly if you have children and, as they have probably formed strong bonds with said children, deserve to be kept in the loop like anyone else in the family. If you give them enough notice, they might even be available to take the kids off your hands that day.
Two Men and a Truck are always two steps ahead in every move and can take care of the cancelation and reconnecting of your utilities so that you don’t have to sit on hold during your lunchbreak. Let us take the hassle out of moving with our comprehensive removalist packages.